Wed. Mar. 22, 2006
I woke up at 4:50 am, got ready for the day, and double checked my bags. At 5:15 we left the house and began our long journey. After Arriving at the airport I we got the luggage checked and headed for the gates. By 6:40 am we were loaded on the plane and ready to go. Then we got a 7 minute delay, then a 14 minute delay...a 45 minute delay. In Atlanta we changed planes and flew to Miami. There we sat and waited, played games, etc. until it was time to get on the flight to Manaus.
Paige's Journal:
Thursday, Mar. 23, 2006
By about 3:45 we arrived in Manaus. We went through customs and got on the bus. We rode the bus for about 10 minutes when we reached the dock. We raced on the boat to choose out hammock.
Birthday Cake
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