Snapshots and Excerpts '07

Todd's Journal:
Monday Night 3-12-07
So far so good...all flights went very well. Did not get to see the Panama Canal because I was once again in the middle seat.
Got to Manaus & right through customs. We boarded our buses & seemed like we were going a different way to the docks. Cut through a nice country club (tennis, pool, etc.) and our boat was waiting for us at its pribate landing. Made it so nice for loading. No worries of someone stealing our stuff. The boat is very nice. Much larger. Not sure if I will be able to write in my journal much. Rosielle has started already. Tonight I made my hammock then went to the bathroom to change. By time I got back my blanket & pillow were gone. Who tomorrow I might be Duct Taped to the roof :)

Todd's Journal:
Thursday March 14th
Yesterday was a blur. Busy trying to get started and delayed most of the day. Didnt get much work done & then had to start planning for the nightly programs. Everythign was a mess. Generator problems, forgetting equipment, not enough boats, etc. Got back to boat late. We met with Denny & put together a new schedule. Brianna & Kendall's boys tried to duct tape me last night. I wasn't sleepy, so they got caught.
Today the schedule worked a little better, but not much. I only worked about 3 hours on my job site. Then came back for lunch. Instead of returning to work, I stayed at the boat and built a 50' dock so we can get out of the big boat and walk to land instead of shuttling to the shore on small boats. Our new schedule also allows us to sleep until 6 am :) Much better than 4:45.
Must get some sleep

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